New GEOS4 research presented at URTeC 2019

May 15th, 2019

New GEOS4 research presented at URTeC 2019

GEOS4, in collaboration with petroleum industry companies, will present two research papers at the Unconventional Resources Technology Conference URTeC 2019, Denver, Colorado, 22-24 July.

We introduce PhaseSnapShots as a quick and low-cost tool for production efficiency assessments in the Permian Basin, US, and describe the effects of production fractionation on bulk fluid properties from the Vaca Muerta play in Argentina.

Production Fractionation and Efficiency Indicators from Phase Snapshots

(Read the abstract here)

We study the effects of fractionation during production from Permian and Cretaceous shales using laboratory experiments, PVT-modeling (PhaseSnapShots) and a regional PVT database. Our goal was to develop methodologies for predicting yields and compositions of produced fluids ahead of drilling. We conclude that fractionation is part and parcel of production from shales. Up to 40% liquids retention has been demonstrated. Production efficiency assessments are readily derived from these data.

Vaca Muerta Unconventional Oil Study—Insights from Organic Geochemistry

(Read the abstract here)

We studied the Vaca Muerta (VM) Play (Neuquén Basin, Argentina) focusing on an oil window mature well (VR ~0.9-1.1%) to determine 1) zones of enrichment and depletion, 2) correlation/allocation to produced fluids, and 3) in-situ GOR and PVT characteristics. Especially the methods and experimental protocols used for the predictive assessments (FT-ICR MS; MSSV) are novel, unique, and strongly improve our ability to correctly describe the effects of production fractionation on bulk fluid properties and hence to formulate appropriate production strategies.